Emily O'Barr
Coach | Somatic Practitioner | Massage Therapist
About Me
I recently had coffee with a friend I hadn’t seen in 25 years. He said to me: “Emily, when you say something, I believe you.” This is absolutely one of the best compliments I can imagine: that I am believable. The reason I love it so much is because it took me a pretty long time to believe in myself.
People often ask me how I came to do the work I do in the world and the answer is: it was an indirect and windy path. One theme is that I have always genuinely loved people of all kinds, been curious about how and why they make choices and had great compassion for the struggles they go through along the way. My jobs and studies have reflected that. Another theme is that I have always been curious about myself -- specifically what I could do to grow or learn that would allow me to be more of myself. If I am worthy of believing it is because I have fallen in all the holes life has to offer myself, done what I could to find a way out and I am admittedly just as much of a work in progress as anyone else.
Before becoming a coach and a somatic practitioner, I worked in a number of industries: business, health care, education, the service sector. I have had quite a lot of formal education. I am very curious and am generally learning something new and incorporating that knowledge or skill into my work. If you are interested in my education, training and work experience, please feel free to check out my resume.
What is important to me about the path I have traveled is that somewhere along the way it enabled me to find my ground, be present not just in my mind, but also in my heart and in my body, understand what my work is in the world and ultimately believe in myself.
What is the work I do in the world? Simply put: I help people get out of pain and get out of their own way.
In essence, I filter the world by looking for what has meaning and purpose to me and I can help you do the same. Through this process, I help my clients heal, discover purpose, align their actions with their values, and answer big questions.
I believe each individual is already whole, self-generative and self-healing. I believe each of us already has all the answers within us, and the work I do with my clients is a discovery process, rather than the creation of something that doesn’t already exist. I believe we all have a unique purpose – a gift only we can offer the world, and it is our life’s work to find that gift and bring it forward.
My purpose - and my great passion and honor - is to help my clients uncover and express the gifts that are uniquely theirs. It is my hope that by helping my clients heal and find purpose in their lives that I help make more joy, light, goodness & grace possible in the world.
With care,

My Credentials and Experience
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP), Somatic Experiencing International, 2023
Certified Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy Practitioner, Hakomi Institute, 2022
International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certified Coach, ACC Level, 2020
Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist, The Body Therapy Institute, 2011, NCLMBT #11766
MA, Liberal Studies, Duke University, 2005